

BIO in English

Pernille and her husband Andreas, and their two teenage boys, live in Denmark . She has been recognized as a ministry gift of the Prophet for the last 25 years to the body of christ and has – and still is, serving along side great apostolic prophetic leaders both nationally and internationally.

In 2018 she was invited to be part of The EUROPEAN PROPHETIC SUMMIT led by Prophet DR Sharon Stone, as well as invited to The GLOBAL CONSULTATION of PROPHETS led by Prophet Cindy JacobsIn 2019 she started Nordic Prophetic Network in Denmark – building network opportunities and relationships with churches and Prophets in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Norway.

She was theologically trained in 1994-1996 and in 2004, in Sydney, Australia at Aquila College of ministries/ Hillsong Leadership College under Robert Fergusson, Frank and Brian Houston, She is academically trained at the university of Zahles Seminarium, as a School Teacher. 

2 BOOKS written by Pernille Liland

“Gennebrud for Lederskab”. (Breakthrough for Leadership -solD out) 2010 published with Aponet.dk:  

“Kraft, Kærlighed & Sund Fornuft”. (Power, Love and a Sound Mind). 2015 published with Aponet.dk:


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bruno and Rakel Knutzen.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jeg vil gerne høre fra dig – brug nedenstående formular for at komme i kontakt.

Ønsker du at støtte Pernille Lilands tjenste med et økonomisk bidrag, kan det indbetales på Mobilepay til 26293538.

15 + 1 =